Ali Karagoz

A Software Developer living in Angers, France. I sometimes take photos.

I was waiting for my train at Montparnasse's train station, he was waiting too and apparently he was angry, he was speaking to himself. Took two pictures of him, but only one was correctly focused. In fact I was a bit afraid and it was very cold. By the way I recently learned that it was forbidden to photograph someone in a train station, don't know if it's the case in every country.


A rainy day in Paris. For that picture I wanted to focus on the men's reflection in the water that's why they are a bit blur. Ho, and by the way, that day I forgot the change the settings of the camera, this is the reason why I'm at ISO3200 :)


A "metro, boulot, photo" shot which literally means "metro, work, photo". It is the derivative of the famous French rhyme "Metro, Boulot, Dodo" which means "Metro, Work, Sleep", symbolizing routine of Parisian life. You may notice some reflexions because I was behind a glass. It was difficult to focus on the subject in this condition, and it was for me a way to test the 5d's autofocus. If you're enough curious you may see the shape of my arm in the glass. By the way that man was concentrated in writing a text message. Le Stade station, Colombes, France


I was walking out of the Saint Lazare's train station after work and here was a pretty sunset, I wanted to capture it. At this moment that guy asked me for a photo. I took several frames of him and his sleepy dog, showed him the photos I took, he was happy I think. He also wanted to showed me a photo of him several years ago, a young and happy man. He was a bit drunk and he couldn't talk intelligibly, I had no money on me that day, not even a coin to give him. The day after he was gone Saint Lazare train station, Paris, France


I tried to take an original picture of it Paris, France


The girl wanted her mother to take a picture like that, I was there and took her too! La Defense, Paris, France.


The shutter sound of the D700 is becoming more and more problematic as I intend to improve my street photography. If you have an idea don't hesitate to drop me a message. Metro, Paris, France